
Safety is our priority

As a mum, I understand that nothing is more important than your baby’s safety. So, when it comes to choosing products you trust for your baby, you want to know they are safe.

One of the great things about a Little Love blanket is reducing the heavy outdoor layers your baby needs to wear in the colder months, making it far easier and more secure to fasten your precious bundle into their car seat.

While there is no legislation regulating clothing or car seat accessories, we wanted to make absolutely sure our Little love blankets not only provide your baby with comfort, but that they are also safe.

With this in mind we commissioned testing to R44.04 European legislation - that’s the little orange label you see on car seats which lets you know it complies with European safety standards.

To carry out these tests we entrusted the independent and internationally recognised certification and behavioural analysis centre CSI S.P.A Socio Unica test lab in Milan, Italy. Here, we tested the Little Love blanket using a Maxicosi cabriofix car seat (rear facing), which met all the requirements for being awarded the R44.04 standard.

While we’re confident Little Love blankets are safe to comfort your baby, it is also important to remember that ensuring children’s car seats are fitted correctly is the number one safety measure. If you’re ever unsure or need a hand, there are plenty of car seat suppliers throughout the UK and Ireland, or wherever you are in the world, who can show you how to install your seat correctly.

Of course, there’s one more important safety feature to think about, and that’s ensuring your baby doesn’t overheat. Our Little Love blankets have been specifically designed so you can gently peel it back or snuggle it up higher to adjust the temperature as you move your baby into and out of the car.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our safety testing, please don’t hesitate to contact us – it means as much to us as it does to you.
