About Me

I’m so glad that you have popped by to find out a bit more about Little Love. Starting a business that makes a difference is something that has been on my mind for a while now, and in November 2018, 9 months after my second baby, I finally got my marbles back together and took the leap....or maybe I was just so sleep deprived that I went slightly mad! Either way here we are now! Little Love blankets and accessories are a beautiful product that have completely taken over my spare room! I have a few reasons for starting Little Love...
Like any mum my two babies are the most precious things to me in the world. After having my first ​little boy I became slightly obsessed with his sleep (as new mothers do). I read somewhere about how wearing too many clothes or pram suits in their car seat was not safe so I always made sure that he was belted in and blankets put over the top. However these moved, got caught up on things or were kicked off. After having a look around I found that there were a few blankets and snugglies out there but nothing soft and cosy with a fun or pretty pattern. SO... Little Love was founded!  As you feed the straps of the car seat through the blanket, it is kept firmly in place and - most importantly - ​ your precious baby is cosy and fastened tightly into their car seat.

My second reason for starting Little Love is that I feel so lucky to have two healthy beautiful boys, I struggle to imagine what it would be like to have a baby without all the first world technology that we have available to us. In 2008 I went to Kenya for the first time and ever since I have held the country and its people close to my heart. I will never forget how speechless I was for the first few days of that trip! Kenya's environmental beauty is second to none, but the people truly captured my heart. I have hosted a number of events over the years since supporting a local charity - GIFT International (https://www.giftinternational.org) - chosen because 100% of funds raised are invested in the African economy and in real African people. After having my own children I felt even more driven to make life a little easier for African mothers and their newborns. Thinking about all the drugs, machines and vaccinations we have to hand made me realize how fortunate we are. In recognition of this, I will be donating at least £1 from every product purchased from my store to GIFT to fund projects in Africa. I’m still working out the finer details of this part of Little Love Blankets at the minute,  but follow me on Instagram and Facebook I will definitely keep you all up to date.

I’m sure that I am not the only person who has ever felt like this about my children, I just feel like I am in a very fortunate position to be a have-a-go “momtrepreneur”. Thank you for taking the time to have a browse at my store and read at my story! I really hope you like my idea and the products, don't forget to spread the word!  Spread a Little Love today, because every smile matters!
"No one has ever become poor by giving."  -Anne Frank
Ally x